BSND relaunches Letran Nutrition Clinic and Nutrition Counseling Drive in promotion of healthier lifestyle for Letranites

By: Pauline Ritchel Ramos
November 28, 2024

Photo by: Maverick Rhoy De Vera /The LANCE

The Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics relaunched Letran Nutrition Clinic and Nutrition Counseling Drive titled “Hephep! Ang Sabi ng NDyip: Libreng Sakay tungo sa Tamang Nutrisyon.” on Nov. 26, at the Nutrition Clinic beside Knights Café on the second floor of San Alberto Magno Building.

Spearheaded by BSND students ND2A and ND3A, the initiative aims to promote proper nutrition and provide accessible dietary guidance to students, faculty, and the broader Letran community.

Participants in the program undergo a comprehensive examination of their dietary habits, from portion control to analyzing food, desserts, and drink intake. 

The nutrition screening also provides valuable insights into the relationship between diet, physical health, and mental performance, allowing students to pinpoint areas for improvement.

Ms. Shabrielle Calibuso, head of the Nutrition and Dietetics Clinic Drive, shared the motivation behind the expanded program. 

“In the past years, the clinic was already operational, but it wasn’t accessible to everyone. It was only open to the public once a year.” She stated.

Since its establishment in 2022, the Nutrition Clinic has become a permanent resource available to serve the entire Letran community with its relaunch.

“Because of our vision to promote health and sustainability, we decided to make it available for all students and faculty.” Calibuso added.

Elijah, a student participant, shared “…. It gave me practical advice on portion control, balanced meals, and mindful eating, helping me make healthier choices.”

The initiative integrates the expertise of Nutrition and Dietetics professors and students, providing practical experience for future nutritionists of the program.

During Colegio Week, from Nov. 26 to 29, the clinic will be open from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. 

On regular days, services will be available by appointment, with bookings facilitated through a QR code displayed around campus.

Students and staff interested in nutrition screening and counseling services may visit the Nutrition Clinic or set an appointment by scanning QR codes throughout the Colegio.
