Trese is a Filipino anime-inspired series that is currently streaming on Netflix. It originated from a comic book series with the same title and was created by writer Budjette Tan and illustrator Kajo Baldisimo way back in 2005.
Without a doubt, K-pop has made its way to mainstream media, our playlists, and even to our hearts. Different groups and artists have become the “face” of K-pop. With a myriad of names that put the genre on the map, one of the names that stand out is BTS.
With all that has happened in the preceding year, it is only right that we sit down and listen to each other’s stories from 2020, whether they are stories of triumph, narratives of personal struggle, or just the overall human experience in what can only be regarded as a unique set of three hundred and sixty-five days.
The multi-awarded and veteran broadcast journalist Kara David, known for her critical documentaries like “Silong”, “Buto’t Balat”, and “Alkansya”, posted her first tutorial video on YouTube about the basics of writing for TV.
Native attires, unusual and unique languages, colorful garments, important rituals, spiritual beliefs, utilizing special economic, social, and political systems, agriculture, and many more; these are some of the spectacular things our fellow Filipino indigenous communities are known for. The month of October is especially dedicated to honor them. After all, their contribution to the country is one that is vital to the nation’s identity and one that should not go unnoticed.
The student council election is officially over. For this academic year, we have a new batch of student council officers. Now, let’s get to know a little bit about our new Letran Student Council (LSC) President. Who is Mitch Costales?
Actor and producer Chadwick Boseman passed away on August 28, 2020, at the age of 43 years old, after quietly battling colon cancer for four years. Boseman was known for playing the role of Black Panther of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
The success of Michael Pacquiao, whether he likes it or not, represents a system that favors the elite few and is indifferent to those without the privilege of a powerful name.